Monday, May 6, 2013

World History STAAR on Wednesday the 8th

The World History STAAR Test is Wednesday the 8th!  Please make sure you prepare tonight and tomorrow. 

Please watch these short review videos:
World History -
U.S. History -

If you like playing the review games, here is a link:

You've been working hard all year, now it's time to show off your knowledge. You will do great on the test, you have everything you need to be successful. Take your time, read through the questions carefully, use the process of elimination and make your best educated guesses. Remember, our goal isn't to just pass, it's to earn level II or higher! Get some rest and make sure to review the nights before!!!

Friday, April 26, 2013

World History Baseball Card Project

There are 52 people you need to know for the World History STAAR Exam

You are going to make a baseball card for each person

Create the cards in PowerPoint and when you are finished print it as a handout with 9 slides on each page

You must include the following information on each card
          –Years they were alive
          –2-3 sentences of why they were important

Your cards do not all have to be identical in layout, you can switch it up as long as all of the required information is present

This will count as a major grade! (= 2 Test Grades)

1.       Thomas Aquinas
2.       Archimedes
3.       William Blackstone
4.       Simon Bolivar
5.       Napoleon Bonaparte
6.       Robert Boyle
7.       John Calvin
8.       Chinese Student Protestors in Tiananmen Square
9.       Winston Churchill
10.    Copernicus
11.    Marie Curie
12.    Baron Charles de Montesquieu
13.    Thomas Edison
14.    Albert Einstein
15.    Elizabeth I
16.    Eratosthenes
17.    Galileo
18.    Mikhail Gorbachev
19.    Indira Gandhi
20.    Mohandas Gandhi
21.    Hammurabi
22.    Adolf Hitler
23.    Thomas Hobbes
24.    Thomas Jefferson
25.    Justinian
26.    John Locke
                27.    Las Madres e la Plaza de Mayo
28.    Nelson Mandela
29.    Karl Marx
30.    Golda Meir
31.    Benito Mussolini
32.    Isaac Newton
33.    Louis Pasteur
34.    Pope John Paul II
35.    Pythagoras
36.    Ronald Reagan
37.    Oscar Romero
38.    Franklin D. Roosevelt
39.    Jean Jacques Rousseau
40.    Natan Sharansky
41.    Adam Smith
42.    Joseph Stalin
43.    Mother Teresa
44.    Margaret Thatcher
45.    Hideki Tojo
46.    Queen Victoria
47.    Voltaire
48.    Lech Walesa
49.    James Watt
50.    William Wilberforce
51.    Woodrow Wilson
52.    Mao Zedong

DUE: May 2nd or 3rd in class or finish at home 
and turn it in May 6th or 7th!

Friday, April 5, 2013

Unit 10 Test

Wow, this Unit Test just keeps getting bumped back!  First for our STAAR ELA exams and now the no school day on Wednesday!

The new dates are B-Day will test on Friday, April 12th, and A-Day will test on Monday, April 15th!

Please be ready, because next week starts a new grading period, so this will play a big role in setting your overall grade.

This test is over WWI, Russian Revolution, Global Depression, and WWII.  You will get a study guide two class periods ahead of time.  Also, this is Ch. 23-26 in your textbook.  :)

It's almost summerrrrrrr!  Hang in there, you've worked hard all year, don't blow it at the end.  You have all summer to relax.

Wednesday, March 27, 2013


Here are the finished WWII maps in case you did not finish in class.  They will be due after our Easter break.  :)  CLICK ON EACH MAP to make it bigger.

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Map of Europe Pre/Post WWI

Here is the key if you did not finish your map assignment in class!  Your completed charts will be due next class.

to make it larger

NCAA Tournament Challenge

Want to compete for a free lunch???

Play along with myself and other students by filling out a NCAA Basketball Bracket.  I will buy the winner lunch!  Plus it makes it more fun to watch and follow along.  :)

Go to the ESPN Tournament Challenge website

If you don't have an ESPN account, you will have to sign up, but don't worry it's free.

So sign up, or log in, and then join our group.

Group Name: Taylor's Class
Password: MNHS

And then fill out your bracket!  It has to be done before the first tip-off on Thursday.


Monday, March 18, 2013


Here is the WWI map from our Glencoe World History textbook if you did not finish coloring in yours during class.  CLICK ON THE MAP to make it bigger.

The three that aren't on this map are:

Libya = Allied Powers
Egypt = Allied Powers
Iceland = Neutral

Don't forget the fill-in-the-blank section on the front.  The word bank is at the very bottom of the page.

Friday, March 8, 2013

Spring Break!!!

Have a wonderful and safe spring break!

Unit 9 Tests have been entered in the gradebook.  The test was out of a total of 80points.  This will be your progress report grade.  We are already halfway through our 5th grading period!  Only one and a half to go...

If you haven't tested yet, your test is in the learning lab.  Please take it as soon as possible upon returning.